SAP-Sealing strips

SAP-Sealing strips based on super absorbent polyacrylate powder (SAP)


gap sealing for cable ducts, sealed with sealing cushions; sealing of buildings, coating material for Wolf® Sealing cushions/valve or sealing bags


Based on DiBt PG FBB Section 5.2, Wolf® “SQ” sealing products contain a Super Absorber Powder (SAP) which forms a polymer gel on contact with rain and tap water. The polymer gel is an excellent barrier against water and gases. Sealing strips type SQB-V* contain a swelling non-woven based on a super absorber polymer powder which is bound directly to the nonwoven. The longitudinal edges are sewn with a 3-thread safety stitch and prevent the polymer gel from escaping uncontrolled. If the unsewn small sides are not pressed during use, a small amount of polymer gel can escape from the sealing tape. When the water bound in the polymer gel evaporates, it becomes coarsely powdery again. The swelling ability is reversible (reusable product).

Product benefits

  • High absorption capacity & very good swelling behavior with rain and tap water
  • Reacts instantly on contact with water.
    Polymer gel: Self-sealing against water, dust and smoke
  • high-quality design, durable and robust
  • Very thin, easy to handle for quick subsequent waterproofing
  • Contains no environmentally harmful substances
  • Vibration resistant, notch resistant and shock resistant
  • Fat free
  • No sticking to the environment
  • Reversible swelling. Reusable several times and
    reliable ver several swelling cycles, even after dry out

Materials | construction:



 (middle layer)

 Super absorbent powder (SAP) based on polyacrylic acid with corrosion inhibitor and adhesive,
 covered on both sides with water-permeable PES polyester film.



 Test method




 ISO 9073-1




 ISO 9073-2


 Tear strength (md)

N/5 cm

 ISO 9073-3


 Strain (md)


 ISO 9073-3


 Swelling height (after 1 min)


 FNS 19-54-01*


 Swelling height (after 2 min)


 FNS 19-54-01*


 Thermal stability (short term)


 FNS 19-15-09*


 Thermal stability (long term)


 FNS 19-15-09*


 Moisture content


 FNS 19-15-08*

 < 9

Summary of test results "function test"

  1. Products: SQAD/V sealing cushions
    assembled with SAP sealing strips (SQB-V) &
    SAP cable separator (SQ-ADS) for gap sealing

 (Summary of test report PB 347/2022)


 Functional test: Tightness of the duct seal at a water column of 5 m and ambient temperature


[1]      sealing cushion type SQAD/V
           with SAP sealing tape Art.-No. 27.01 SQB-V1
           width 50 mm

[1.1]    sealing cushion type SQAD/V installed in a duct

[2]      SAP cable separator (type SQ-ADS)
           for gap sealing, consisting of SAP sealing tape
           Art.-No. 27 SQB-V, sewn as a cable separator

Wolf GmbH

Zazenhäuser Straße 52
D - 70437 Stuttgart

Tel.:  +49 (0)711 87 39 41
Fax.: +49 (0)711 87 12 30

Email: Service(at)