Quick-hardening epoxied casting resin and pulling head resin

EP 6476/V1

  • For cap-sealing connection elements in work areas, storage places and route installations
  • Sealing for optical plug connectors, tension-resistant and tight against pressurised water

Group 35.1 + 35.2

Quick-hardening casting resin

35.1 EP 6476/V1
Quick-hardening epoxied casting resin (left)


35.2 EP 5612 and PUR 5711
Quick-curing casting resin (potting compound) (right)





EP 5612 & PUR 5711

  • Quick-curing casting resin (potting compound) for cap-sealing connection elements



Wolf GmbH

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D - 70437 Stuttgart

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Email: Service(at)Wolf-Systems.com