QV-ADS-3K Cable separator

made of PP with 3 notches

For sealing service entries in buildings and cable ducts, occupied with 3 cables, or protected microducts and/or multiple ducts (direct burial). Complete tightness reached directly on contact with water.


Cable sealing separator made of PP, with 3 notches. Various types with identical or different-sized notches. Reusable sealing cushion (valve).


Temperature range:
- 30 °C to +45 °C (+70 °C for a short period of about 4 h) (in acc. with FO Test Report PB 76/2010 UA/V - obtainable on request) -15 °C to +30 °C (+45 °C for a short period of about 4 h)


For power cables:
In transformer stations, substations and photovoltaic plants


For telecommunication cables:
Access manhole systems and service entries in buildings


Sealing element:




 Ø optimal

 Ø minimal

 16.1 QAK/V       L 125

 20.6 QADE/V    L 125










 16.1 QAK/V       L 150

                         [L 175]

                         [L 200]

 20.6 QADE/V    L 150










Sealing and spacer insert:



 Notch diameter [mm]
 supplied with 1 layer
 22.2 QV-DBK 4,2 x 50/...
 (sketch A)

 22.9 QV-ADS-3K-50


 50 - 48



 22.9 QV-ADS-3K-45


 45 - 43



 22.9 QV-ADS-3K-40


 40 - 38





 Notch diameter [mm]
 supplied with  1 layer EPDM +
 22.2 QV-DBK 4,2 x 50/...
 (sketch B)

 22.9 QV-ADS-3K-32


 34 – 32



 22.9 QV-ADS-3K-28


 28 – 26



Dummy-tube and swelling material




 wall thickness




 32.1 DR 50-300




 Accessory: swelling sealing tape Art.-No. 22.2 QV-DBK 4,2x50/10

High reliability of the sealing systems:

The reliability of the QADE/V and QAK/V (valve) sealing systems was tested in the testing lab of Fibre Optics CT, Consulting & Testing GmbH, in accordance with the demanding quality requirements of Deutsche Telekom AG T-Com, TS 0307/96. For example:


(1) Tightness with temperature cycling
based on DIN VDE 0278-629-1, DIN EN 61442 (testing accessories for use on power cables) and Telekom TS 0307/96 (testing ADE sealing elements for cable-configured ducts)


Requirements for

  • temporary accumulations of water seepage ≤ 0,3 bar (3 m water column)
  • non-pressing water < 0,1 bar (1 m water column)
  • Temperature range -15 °C to +30 °C
  • Duration of cycles 12 h
  • Number of cycles: 20
  • Sealing within a pressure range of 0 to 0.3 bar overpressure


Testing method:
Tightness of the sealing system QAK/V and sealing cable separator 22.9 QV-ADS1-3K during temperature cycling

Temperature chamber:
IEC 60068-2-14 section 2
Test Nb

Temperature cycling +30 °C to -15 °C (20 cycles )

Test of QAK/V seal service life
Sealing against gas diffusion and up to 3 m water column Temperature-cycling testing method according to T-Com TS 0307/96

Test No. 39/2010: Sealing element QAK/V L-150
Sealing insert QV-ADS1-3K
Cable protection duct ID Ø 145 mm
Configuration: 3 x Ø 44 mm (power cables)


Fitting time* 15 min
(* laboratory conditions)

Heat resistance up to +70 °C/≤ 288 h
in acc. with FO Test Report 6/17 PB 71/2007 (obtainable on request)

For sustainable sealing technology:

For power cable or ducts:

For example, swelling sealing systems 16.1 QAK/V L 125 or 150 and 22.9 QV-ADS-3K

All requirements are fulfilled:
- no water entry

For protected microducts:
with a temperature range of -15 °C to +30 °C (+45 °C over a short period), with swelling sealing system 20.6 QADE/V L 125 or 150, 22.9 QV-ADS-3K

All requirements are fulfilled:
- no water entry

Wolf GmbH

Zazenhäuser Straße 52
D - 70437 Stuttgart

Tel.:  +49 (0)711 87 39 41
Fax.: +49 (0)711 87 12 30

Email: Service(at)Wolf-Systems.com